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Nikon D80 display panel F--
Randomly my camera will not let me take a picture and in the display window flashes F--
It is really becoming a problem and I am quickly learning to hate my camera.
The lens ought to be fully functional in every mode. But if you are in a pinch then Manual it is 'til you can get it sorted or serviced if need which case you'll need to swithch the AF Mode lever (under lens release button )from 'AF' to 'M'. Have you cleaned the lens' electrical contacts? Examine but probably little need to clean the camera's electric contacts considering its' young age. Do you have access to another AF body on which you can test the lens and another AF lens to test the D80?
Please keep in mind that if the aperture is not set (locked) at its minimum, the error is a flashing fEE. When the body cannot communicate with the CPU in the lens, the error is F--, which means either the lens has no CPU or a bad electronic contact.
Nikon Digital Cameras problem and solution
Labels: Digital Camera