I try to download Adobe Flash Player 9 ActiveX.exe and keep receiving this error message:
Error box titled: Adobe Flash Player 9 ActiveX Setup
red circle w/ white X inside. Error opening file for writing
Click abort to stop installation
Retry to try again, or
Ignore to skip this file
I have uninstalled previous version
OK, to help clarify my fix so you know exactly where the spaces are, type this line, and where you see an exclamation mark ( ! ), replace it with a space. Again, this should all be on one line from a Command Prompt window.
This process takes a few minutes to run, so please be patient, and wait for it to complete before using your PC. I would recommend that no other programs are running while you do this. The Command Prompt window should state when the process is finished. Because I am a technician working in an organization with almost 1000 users, and am seeing this problem on several PCs, I created a batch file so I don't have to keep typing it.
Again, once it finishes, open up Internet Explorer, then go to Adobe's site and try to install Flash.