How do I format my Sansa e250?


I'm so confused. How do I reformat my Sansa mp3 player?
I can't switch it on, because it does this weird restarting thing and the menu will not come up at all.

It shows the SanDisk logo and then the whole screen just goes white, and it does it over and over again.
I know someone else had the same trouble... but I don't know how to reformat it :(

how can this be done?


  1. do not use the 7 steps suggested by "guest" ITS A SCAM. it ruined my mp3 player
  2. This worked for me... Hope it works for you as well

    *Disconnect the device, turn it on
    *Go to Settings > USB Mode > MSC
    *Connect the device
    * Open up My Computer
    *Under the heading "Devices with Removable Storage"
    Look for Sansa E250 (Removable Drive) - Note: this heading
    "Devices with Removable Storage" applies to the "Arrange Icon By: Type" , option in My Computer Window
    * Right-click on the E250 and choose format
    *Click "Start" and agree to the format
  3. I had ruined my e250 doing it the way the "guest" above had noted. Note, the only reason why is because there are TWO files needed to format the Sansa e250. Contact their Tech Support via their website, once you register the Serial Number of your Mp3 player they will send you the required files. Hope that helps :)
  4. When you connect to the computer does Windows Media player recognize the MP3 player? If so you can reformat in Windows Media player.