I can't put songs on my Sansa Sandisk e250


I just recently purchased the sandisk sansa e250 but everytime I go to WMP10 (Windows Media Player 10) and try to burn the songs on it, it wont work. I tried selecting a playlist but instead it tries copying the whole library. I just dont know how to puts ongs on my Sansa... help please


  1. You have to change the setting for the mp3 player. Go to menu, then setting and go down to USB. There are two options, USB and AutoDetect. Select AutoDetect. When you connect the mp3 again, it will be detected as portable device sansa. You can now use Windows media player and sync a playlist to it or you can drag and drop music to it (accessing from my computer). hope this helps.
  2. Hey to get music onto the Sansa e250R you have to plug the Sansa into the computer. Next go to mycomputer. Then onen ethier sansa or Removable Disk(F:). Then take the songs you want and drag them on to the white space under photos and vidos and all that other files. DO NOT PUT IT IN A FI